We’re celebrating this week after spending an amazing weekend at the NHS Hack Scotland Event in Edinburgh where our healthcare application built in a day was part of the winning project.

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NHS Hack Scotland is a free volunteer run event aimed at getting NHS people together with software people to see what innovative healthcare solutions can come from this combo. In this spirit of free thinking, Beezapps hooked up with the NHS Lothian’s Adult Mental Health Psychology Services, developing a new application to help anxiety sufferers chart their progress over a variety of anxiety inducing scenarios.

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It was great to work in such a creative environment with opportunities to let our imagination run riot, share ideas and develop in a collaborative and open way.  So often a divide exists between professional medical language and software vernacular – with these barriers gone and the lines of communication open and flowing, suggestions and solutions became solid and a new app was born.


Using Oracle APEX, two developers, no preparation and with a two day deadline, we came up with a web and mobile application that can record a patient’s anxiety levels over a number of plausible situations. With this information easily accessible to patient and therapist, readily available for updates and presented in clear and understandable way, the opportunities to chart a patients’ progress and anxiety triggers becomes easier and so ultimately improves the patients’ care and support.

NHS My TherAPPist is now in full development to produce a live version. Watch this space!





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