At Beezapps, we’re convinced Oracle solutions can make a big impact on companies, large and small and have seen the results across a diverse selection of projects. Our recent accessible application for Tax Assist Accountants West Edinburgh is a great example of how Oracle Apex can change the fortunes of a business and rack up team efficiency.


Renee MacKay and Richard Lambert from Tax Assist came to us with a specific problem – measuring productivity. From the outset we could see what Oracle Apex could do for this firm, inspiring and motivating with an easy to use application.


Over to Richard Lambert, who explains, “We are an accountancy practice with a bit of a difference: we put clients at the heart of everything we do… that means we don’t use timesheets because we want our team to spend as much time as possible with clients to give them the right level of service and a fantastic experience when dealing with us.


But of course, there’s a ‘But’.  We still need to measure productivity because have to make money!  Like many businesses we were working off a spreadsheet which kind of did a job… kind of.


In terms of what worked with the spreadsheet, well, we were measuring productivity.  In terms of the negatives: it was a manual process for us, the spreadsheet wasn’t motivational and it was doing nothing to help us improve the team’s results.


Enter Beezapps.


Beezapps took a copy of our spreadsheet and listened to what we wanted.  The first version was pretty close but we gave some feedback which was acted on in a matter of hours (let alone days) to produce a new version of the app that was more and more refined.  Even when we changed our minds about what was needed, nothing was too much trouble… and always the changes were made very quickly.


The end result is brilliant.


Not only does all the maths work (i.e. the spreadsheet bit), the app is easy to use and looks fabulous, too.  The dial telling team members how close they are to achieving their target is particularly effective.


The app has had 3 very specifics benefits:


1.       Team members are much better planned – they know how much they have to achieve, what they have in their pipeline and what they need to do to achieve target.  This means they actually call clients to make sure they have everything they need to complete work!

2.       Team members are much more commercial – they can see their value to the business (or not, as the case may be) and can gauge for themselves what they need to do in order to be productive

3.       The team is much more motivated.  They are sitting with the app open on their second screens and are updating as soon as they finish a piece of work… not only do they see their dial move in real time they have a much clearer sense of what’s still left to do in the


From a business point of view we used the app properly in July for the first time.  Productivity went through the roof with 5 out of 6 team members being exactly where they needed to be.  For the 6th team member we have a plan!


Brilliant stuff and thanks so much Beezapps.  Highly recommended and we’ll working with you again soon.”



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